Technical SEO focuses on the technical elements of your website, to ensure that underlying code isn’t restricting the sites ability to rank well. Through the elimination of any technical SEO bottlenecks, search engines will be able to index your web pages effectively and efficiently - allowing them to rank in SERPs.

Despite being the backbone of most successful SEO campaigns, technical SEO is often overlooked as it's "out of sight". Technical SEO drawbacks can have a direct impact on your sites ability to rank and can harm other ongoing marketing efforts. For this reason, it’s best practise to evaluate a website's technical SEO status, before investing in a content and link building strategy.

Fast websites

Fast sites rank

We're firm believers that fast is the only speed. Google has continued to prioritise page speed and favour fast sites, with a clear correlation between sites which load quickly and greater visibility in search engine results. Our marketing team, paired with our uber speedy bespoke CMS Jolojo, will ensure your website is rocketship fast.

Discovering technical SEO bottlenecks and shortfalls, we identify missed potential. This could be the architecture of your website, duplicate content or missing meta descriptions. Optimisation of these elements will provide an uplift in rankings and organic traffic.

Our Technical SEO Services

Enhanced Technical SEO Services

Our approach to technical SEO is underpinned by a methodical, data-led strategy that is individually tailored to your website and business goals. We harness the power of analytics, website optimisation, and years of SEO best-practices to elevate your website’s visibility and promote user engagement.

Technical Website Audit

Technical audits form the backbone of any robust SEO strategy as they ensure your website’s backend structure is well-tuned for optimal search engine performance. With accurate and detailed inspections of your website’s technical elements, including site speed and mobile-friendliness, a comprehensive technical audit is the key to significantly boosting search engine visibility and UX (user experience). This strategic focus ensures a seamless flow of organic traffic, improving your online visibility.

On-Page Optimisation

On-page optimisation is how we indicate to search engines what our websites are about and the value of the content to users. We boost your online credibility and authority both in the eyes of search engines and potential users by refining the structure of your landing pages, including meta tags, URL structure, and the (still) all-important keyword. Our team is committed to enhancing the overall health and performance of your website.

Website Speed and Mobile Optimisation

Google’s advice is clear: user-experience is now a ranking factor. That means slow loading speed can damage your chances of getting to the top of Google. Informed by our exhaustive evaluation of your website’s performance metrics, we build optimisation strategies to boost your visibility. Every adjustment we make is custom-fit to your specific business needs. Enhancing your website’s speed and ensuring mobile responsiveness is crucial to bolstering your website’s user experience and ensuring that your online presence outshines competitors.

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