Content Management System (CMS) 

Take Control of Your Website Content With Jolojo

What is a CMS?

A content management system (CMS) is software providing website authoring and administration tools. This allows you, irrespective of technical knowledge, to easily publish and manage website content.

Our CMS mantra is "edit what you see, when you see it" - yes we have a few behind the scenes forms, but only a few. Edit your content on the page it is on, What You See IS What You Get, simple!


BarkWeb CMS - Jolojo

We used many different CMS systems during our evolution as a company (Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal and DNN) and made the decision to build our own; a decision that would fundamentally change how we do business.

We never found a platform that would do what we wanted, the way we wanted to do it and in a way that was easy to use for our clients. We are also concerned about the security issues of deploying Open Source software and having to support it over the life cycle of a website. If anyone tells you that is easy run away!

So we built our own.

We built it better. We built it with all skill levels in mind. We built it to Pander to the Google Hummingbird, whilst keeping an eye on those pesky Penguins. We built it for speed. We built it to be easy to develop on.

Jolojo CMS Benefits

In addition to being able to update your own website, our CMS also provides the following benefits, including:

  • 100% supported by us , not 93.4% with a load of excuses or unanswered phones once you have paid your invoice
  • Ability to develop bespoke functionality and embed in the core system - see bespoke development
  • Auto URL mapping, link checking and sitemap management which is great for Google
  • FANTASTIC core feature set, e.g. drag and drop contact forms and menu systems
  • Easy to use - our first training session with you is usually 20 minutes long
  • No third party plugin conflicts
  • Well documented help system
  • We will also support you through the life time of your relationship with us

As experts in web development and software applications we will deliver you a non-clunky, well integrated and well thought out solution that will increase your happiness levels, reduce your stress levels, minimise internal training and just make your digital life better! 

Find out more about Jolojo at

Built with Jolojo

Interested in Jolojo for your business?

To find out more about our bespoke web development and software application services, contact us today.

The contact form requires that you configure reCAPTCHA in the site configuration.

The contact form requires that you select an email template.