
DBSpares - Job Management Platform

The Project

DBSpares repair domestic appliances in clients homes and  businesses. They operate in the Eastbourne area and extend to Hastings, Battle, Bexhill, Hailsham and Seaford.

Operationally they have relied on a paper based system for the booking in of jobs, work quotations, spares ordering and payment reconciliation. As the business has grown, these systems have become increasingly error prone.

Commissioning a bespoke web application was an opportunity to find increased efficiency and eradicate errors.

As with any project we run it is essential that we both understand our clients' requirements and a good deal of time was spend with DB Spares to understand exactly how they operated, how they envisaged operating using the software and where their operations could be improved.

Workflows and designs were then created in Adobe XD, meetings were had and revisions made. Once signed off this then became the specification for the build of the project.

Bullet point functionality for the project was:

  • Booking of jobs for individual clients
  • Booking of jobs for landlord owned properties
  • Scheduling jobs with particular engineers
  • Highlight jobs that have specific needs regarding job time & urgency
  • Offline functionality for engineers to fill out forms on their mobiles
  • Management table to allow for Landlord clients & properties to be moved around.

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