Kino Website

Kino Cinemas: Website, online ticketing, POS and marketing

The Project

Kino Cinemas are a small chain of contemporary cinemas with venues in Rye, Hawkhurst & Bermondsey. Kino pride themselves on their ability to provide a finer, more relaxed experience and environment compared to other cinemas (they don’t allow popcorn and they unwrap all sweets before entering the cinemas for instance) – each venue contains restaurants with food, cafes with snacks or bars for drinks alongside comfortable seating and a place that you can enjoy a drink before your film starts or spend the evening after it has finished.

Kino came to us to help improve three key areas of their business: their marketing website, their POS (point of sale) systems and their email marketing process. 

Project Brief : Simplified 

  • Create a new marketing site integrated with their new ticketing system, with a design focus on the venues instead of the cinema rooms
  • Strategize a new process for their weekly newsletter distribution
  • Set up a new POS system for their hardware across all three venues
  • Train all key stakeholders on how to make changes to the site, plan film schedules & use the new POS system. 

Cinema website

We worked with the owner of Kinodigital and their Managing Director over the period of a few weeks to create the design that Kino wanted. As usual this included the use of Adobe XD to mock-up several initial designs, followed by working prototypes showing how aspects on the website would navigate and work.

Once past the design stage, the development on the website started – including integration with the new external cinema management system to ensure seamlessly delivery to customers whether they bought tickets in the venue or online. 

POS System

For this integration we decided to use an external cinema management system to integrate into their tills and back-office. This cinema management tool focused on Kino’s film scheduling & ticketing operations alongside the day-to-day selling of concession items and private hires. For each of the venues, we needed to ensure that the import of all previous data for customers, members, concession items and films were moved across correctly, with no mistakes in the data and no discrepancies between their old database and the new one.

As the new system had a slight learning curve with a lot of new features for Kino’s day to day operations, we created a few bespoke in-house guides for the managers of each venue to empower them paired with documentation provided by the POS system itself. We married up this up with multiple training sessions with Kino, covering all venues and have continued supporting them whenever they need assistance.

Email Marketing

Kino wanted to ensure that they can send customized emails based on which venue the customer goes to the most. This allows customers to receive emails which they are most interested in, and allows Kino to target segments/demographics of their audience much easier. E.g. if there is work going on at the Rye venue they can let the customers who go to Rye know.

Kino previously would have to create a new email from scratch every time they sent one out, the new tool now uses a simple WYSIWYG functionality to make any changes to the email before sending it out.

Get in touch today - let's save you time and money. 

If you're interested in our bespoke website development, have an internal system third part integration that you want to take online or wish to discuss how we can help then please get in touch.

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