360 degree photography comes of age

Ricoh Theta S review

A while ago we wrote about adding 360 degree images to Google maps via Google Sphere functionality available on some mobile phones (www.barkweb.co.uk//blog/creating-your-own-google-spheres).

Well. Time has moved on and as we know technology evolves at a frightening pace and when we saw the new Ricoh Theta S we had one bought within minutes. This is a game changing, financially accessible piece of technology!

The Ricoh Theta S

Ricoh Theta S

When it arrived we had it unpacked and used even before we had signed for it from the courier... We have been playing with this camera for a little while now and we see a lot of uses, especially for a few of our clients and hopefully you can find uses for it too. Below is a link to a 360 image we took within our Office here at BarkWeb. Click on the link and have fun dragging around!


Please get in touch if you would like a demonstration and discuss how we can simplify this technology for you.